## 2024-09-30T06:41:05.710Z
- URL: https://x.com/BoraBoraBaye/status/1840556562164912554
- Content: 雷打不动的真理,要想瘦还得饿。憋再整其他啥没用的研究了。新加坡国立大学教授何鼎荣(45岁)为了验证“代谢开关”(metabolic switch)理论,以自己为研究对象,进行了为期7个月的自我试验。通过监测血糖、血脂和体脂率等生物数据,他发现运动虽然重要,但如果饮食不加节制,代谢调整仍然难以启动。他在过去这几个月内,严格遵守每日一餐,断食20小时,只喝黑咖啡和白水,在可以吃的4小时内也只吃绿叶蔬菜、种籽、橄榄油、瘦肉蛋白、地中海饮食中常见食物和维生素,不吃碳水化合物和含糖食物,同时严格健身。谁能坚持照做保准瘦!我保证!
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## 2024-09-30T06:22:48.567Z
- URL: https://x.com/oran_ge/status/1840563530908749896
- Content: 产品经理这个职业能为企业创造最大价值之处,是在于“发现市场获利机会”。
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## 2024-09-30T06:22:01.575Z
- URL: https://github.com/ben-n93/SQL-tips-and-tricks
- Content: A (somewhat opinionated) list of SQL tips and tricks that I’ve picked up over th
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## 2024-09-30T02:42:39.533Z
- URL: https://jimmyhmiller.github.io/raised
- Content: Starting at the age of 12, I was given $20 a week for my food. (If it was a good week. Otherwise it might $10 or even $0). During the school year that meant I just had to make that stretch for dinner and the weekends — I had free school lunch. But in the summer, that made things quite a bit harder. One week, I had only a few jars of sprinkles left in the top of our pantry.
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## 2024-09-30T02:40:52.656Z
- URL: https://jimmyhmiller.github.io/raised
- Content: I grew up relatively poor. I was fortunate enough to have a roof over my head, clean water, electricity, a computer, internet, and cable tv. But food was often harder to come by. This may seem like a contradiction, but when your mom has left to marry her uncle and your dad has schizophrenia, you aren’t really in charge of how the money is spent.
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